Monday 8 September 2008

Angels With Dirty Faces Summary!

Rocky Sullivan and Jerry Connally are two childhood friends who robbed a railroad car as kids. Rocky was caught, but Jerry escaped. Rocky, after being sent to reform school, grows up to become a notorious gangster, while Jerry has become a priest.

Rocky returns to his old neighborhood, where Jerry is running a home that intends to keep young boys away from a life of crime. Six of those boys:
- Soapy
- Swing
- Bim
- Patsy
- Crabface
- Hunky
These boys idolize Rocky, and Jerry attempts to keep his former friend from corrupting them.

Rocky gets involved with Frazier, a crooked lawyer, and Keefer, a shady businessman and municipal contractor. They try to dispose of Rocky, but he finds the record book that they keep where they list the bribes to city officials. Rocky ignores Jerry's advice of the events about to happen and Jerry gets the public's attention and informs them all of the crooked government, causing Frazier and Keefer to plot to kill him. Rocky overhears this plot and kills them to protect his childhood friend. Towards the end, Rocky is captured in a horrific shootout in a building and is sentence to death in the electric chair. Rocky ignores Jerry's death intention of screaming but wants to be tough as he dies. The six boys hear the news of Rocky's death and instantly believe he was a coward.

James Cagney was born in 1899 on 17th July and had acclaimed an academy award winning best actor in American Film. He sadly died on March 30, 1986 (aged 86). His hit films include Yankee Doodle Dandy, The Public Enemy and Angels With Dirty Faces.

* James Cagney - Rocky Sullivan

* Pat O'Brien - Fr. Jerry Connelly

* Humphrey Bogart - Jim Frazier

* Ann Sheridan - Laury Ferguson

* George Bancroft - Mac Keefer

* Billy Halop - Soapy

* Bobby Jordan - Swing

* Leo Gorcey - Bim

* Gabriel Dell - Pasty

* Huntz Hall - Crab

* Bernard Punsly - Hunky

* Joe Downing - Steve

* Edward Pawley - Edwards, guard

* Adrian Morris - Blackie

* Frankie Burke - William 'Rocky' Sullivan, as a boy

* William Tracy - Jerome 'Jerry' Connelly, as a boy (billed as William Tracey)

* Marilyn Knowlden - Laury Ferguson, as a child

Angels With Dirty Faces Trailer
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